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September 19, 2024 4 min read

In the latest episode of the Ol' Boy Podcast, hosts Chad Ward welcomed motocross icon Ryan Villopoto to delve deep into his extraordinary career, personal philosophies, and life after retiring from professional racing. Villopoto's insights into his journey provide invaluable lessons on personal investment, career transitions, and the intricate balance between athletic prowess and life fulfillment. This blog post aims to capture the essence of their enriching conversation.   

The Seeds of a Champion   

Ryan Villopoto’s story began at an impressively young age. Racing ran in his family, with his father and grandfather deeply involved in the world of motorcycles. By starting to race seriously at the age of ten, Villopoto paved his path toward dominance in motocross from childhood. He reflected on parental influence, highlighting that while support is crucial, it's essential to recognize a child's interest and talent to avoid straining relationships. Young riders can start as early as four in beginner classes like the Yamaha PW 50, shaping their skills early on.   

Investing in Oneself: The Pillar of Success   

Ryan emphasized the importance of self-investment throughout his career. He spoke candidly about spending $300,000 on training with renowned trainer Eldon Baker. This investment was pivotal, particularly after recovering from a severe tib-fib and ankle injury accompanied by five plates and twenty screws. Villopoto’s dedication to maintaining peak physical fitness even amidst injuries underlines the essence of betting on oneself for long-term success. 

Career Transition and the Yamaha Partnership 

Villopoto spent his entire professional racing career with Kawasaki, but after retiring, he made a strategic move to partner with Yamaha driven by his passion for activities like dirt biking, hunting, and fishing. The partnership with Yamaha aligned perfectly with his interests, despite facing initial challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Over time, the collaboration yielded fruitful results, bringing personal satisfaction and a renewed sense of purpose. Transitioning from one team to another wasn't purely a business decision; it was a holistic move that blended his personal and professional life. 

Long-Term Vision in Business and Life 

The conversation shed light on the importance of long-term vision in business and personal endeavors. Ryan and Chad discussed how considering beyond immediate profits can significantly impact growth and sustainability. Aligning with sponsors was about shared values and mutual enjoyment rather than just revenue. This philosophy resonates across various fields, encouraging a more fulfilling approach to professional partnerships.   

Training, Diet, and Overcoming Fear 

Villopoto’s career is a testament to the integral role of discipline and mental strength in achieving success. He elaborated on the grueling race schedules which included 12 outdoor races and 17 supercrosses for the premier class. This intense schedule required not just physical endurance but also mental resilience. Villopoto’s training regimen evolved significantly upon hiring Eldon Baker, who implemented a structured twelve-month plan encompassing rigorous training and a disciplined diet. The mental shift from being out of shape to regaining peak fitness further emphasizes the critical role of preparation and consistent effort in reaching the pinnacle of any sport. 

Personal Fulfillment and Family Involvement 

Personal life and fulfillment play a significant role in Villopoto’s narrative. His twin sons, aged seven, are already showing interest in dirt biking, creating a familial bond with Yamaha. This personal connection enhances the partnership's meaning and adds layers to his legacy as a father and a former professional athlete. Balancing professional commitments while nurturing the development of his children underscores the importance of blending career and personal fulfillment. 

The Road to Retirement and Beyond 

Retiring almost a decade ago, Villopoto opened up about the challenges of transitioning from a structured life of a professional athlete to sudden freedom. Initially, adjusting to post-retirement life felt aimless until he started reclaiming purpose through new ventures, such as the Title 24 podcast he co-hosts with Ricky Carmichael. Villopoto's candid reflections shed light on the psychological transition athletes face upon retiring and the necessity of creating new goals to stay engaged and fulfilled. 

The Importance of Professional Collaboration and Delegation 

Ryan touched upon the value of recognizing one’s strengths and weaknesses and delegating tasks accordingly. Both he and Chad agreed on the importance of surrounding oneself with competent individuals who can manage various aspects of production, freeing up time and energy to focus on core competencies. This approach enriches the quality and efficiency of their work, laying the foundation for continuous improvement. 


Ryan Villopoto’s journey from a celebrated motocross champion to a thoughtful mentor and businessman offers rich lessons in personal investment, strategic transitions, and balanced living. His partnership philosophies, training insights, and reflections on life post-retirement present a profound narrative of resilience, adaptability, and the enduring pursuit of fulfillment. Through his story, listeners and readers alike can find inspiration to invest in themselves, embrace change, and maintain a holistic vision for their lives and careers. 

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"That's when all of my weaknesses were exposed from the training aspect and not having my shit together, essentially, to race at the highest level, and I had to clean up my diet."       

-Ryan Villopoto 

3 Fun Facts About Ryan  

  1. Ryan Villopoto dominated the motocross and supercross world from 2011 to 2014, even winning a million-dollar prize at the 2011 Monster Energy Cup.
  2. Villopoto's involvement in motocross spans four generations, with his grandfather, father, and uncle all racing motorcycles.
  3. He raced and won the Motocross of Nations for Team USA four times in various international locations. 

Where to Follow Ryan 
