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September 12, 2024 3 min read

Embracing Individual Choices and Respect 

In episode 33 of the Ol' Boy Podcast, guest Ray Care, a former Navy SEAL and CIA operative, dives into a multitude of pressing societal topics with host Chad Ward. Ray's views on personal freedom shine through as he emphasizes his support for individual choices, such as wearing dresses or painting nails, yet expresses his discomfort when these choices are imposed upon him. Ray and Chad agree on promoting a live-and-let-live attitude, fostering mutual respect without exerting one's preferences onto others. 

Higher Value for Essential Professions 

One of the key highlights from the conversation is Ray's passionate advocacy for higher salaries for teachers, first responders, and military personnel. He decries the exorbitant paychecks of professional athletes, arguing that those who provide essential services often go unappreciated until they are urgently needed. This provocative stance invites listeners to reconsider how society values different professions and calls for a restructuring of priorities. 

The Real Beneficiaries of War 

In a candid discussion about the profits of war, Ray and Chad explore who truly stands to gain from conflicts. Ray points out that contrary to popular belief, it is not the soldiers but the politicians and conglomerates, including media and pharmaceutical companies, who profit. This dialogue uncovers the complex web of influences and interests that steer wartime decisions, urging listeners to think critically about the forces at play in global conflicts. 

Accountability, Self-Reliance, and Societal Shifts 

Ray passionately speaks on the importance of personal accountability and the role it plays in societal health. He discusses how reputation and trust outweigh material wealth, a perspective often overlooked in today's world. They touch on growing societal awareness and resistance to unacceptable behaviors, citing the example of Ole Miss students showing patriotism during a protest. This conversation serves as a call to action for listeners to stand firm on their values and hold each other accountable. 

Controversy in Gender Identity and Sports 

Touching on a highly debated topic, Ray and Chad critique the inclusion of transgender women in women's sports as unfair. While it's a contentious subject, their discussion highlights the need for ongoing dialogue about fairness and inclusion in athletics, encouraging listeners to form their own informed opinions. 

The Impact of COVID-19 on Personal Decisions 

Reflecting on their actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Ray and Chad discuss their decision to prioritize personal goals over pandemic restrictions. They recall an event in Richmond where they chose to proceed with their activities, emphasizing a perspective that values individual freedom and personal responsibility during uncertain times. 

Lessons from Discipline and Growth 

Ray's journey from military service to entrepreneurship is marked by a constant hustle, disciplined mindset, and the pursuit of personal growth. He stresses the importance of showing up early, maintaining high standards, and learning from failures. Ray's transformation from a life of structure to the unpredictable world of business sheds light on the universal struggle of adapting to new environments while maintaining core values. 

Parenting in Today's World 

The podcast also covers the challenges of modern parenting. Ray stands firm on using reasonable discipline, including spanking, to instill respect and boundaries in children. He contrasts this with what he sees as overly lenient modern parenting. This segment offers a thought-provoking perspective on finding the balance between compassion and discipline in raising the next generation. 

Veterans, Entrepreneurship, and High Standards 

Ray's entrepreneurial ventures, including his involvement with Watchtower Firearms and his boot camps, are underpinned by his military principles. He emphasizes hiring veterans, valuing their straightforwardness, thick skin, and efficiency. Ray's podcast appearance is a testament to the seamless integration of high standards and relentless pursuit of excellence into civilian life. 


Chad Ward and Ray Care's conversation is a deep dive into societal norms, personal growth, and the impact of military experience on civilian life. By sharing his journey and opinions openly, Ray invites listeners to reflect on their values, challenge societal pressures, and strive for personal excellence. The episode is a compelling reminder of the power of resilience, discipline, and mutual respect in navigating the complexities of modern life. 

Listen Here “I think if you have a veteran working for you.. 99% of time you have a higher caliber of an individual who has the mindset to get it done.”

-Ray “Cash” Care  

3 Fun Facts About Ray Care 

  1. Ray Care is scheduled to speak at events in Long Island on May 23 and in Boise, Idaho with Tim Grover and Tim Kennedy on July 19-20.
  2. Ray Care is planning a vacation to Hawaii to celebrate his daughter's 16th birthday.
  3. The episode is sponsored by Troll Co Clothing, a brand supporting blue-collar workers, with a discount code provided for listeners. 

Where to Ray Care 
